Communicating Effectively about Higher Education Community Engagement

December 21, 2018

A new toolkit produced by Minnesota Campus Compact offers ideas and for telling the story of community engagement in higher education. The guide to “Communicating Effectively About Community Engagement in Higher Education” was developed by communications and community engagement professionals from across the state.

The toolkit offers four key messages that can be used to guide communications efforts:

  1. Reaching out beyond campus is something colleges and universities and their students do every day.
  2. Hands-on community engagement enhances students’ learning and prepares them for work, life and citizenship.
  3. Community engagement work requires deep and mutually beneficial partnerships.
  4. Colleges and universities play a vital role in strengthening communities – and our democracy.

It also offers ideas and specific suggestions for conveying these messages in compelling ways and offers frames and some helpful tips on language to avoid and what to use instead.