Call for Member Leadership

September 16, 2020

Campus Compact for Wisconsin is currently developing new and expanding existing opportunities for members to take on volunteer leadership roles in our network to help strengthen our collective work.  As a coalition, the leadership of our member campuses is central to our success in advancing civic and community engagement work on campus, local, regional, and national levels. 

To help coordinate the numerous ways this can happen, we are launching a formal process for individual faculty and staff at member campuses to express interest in taking on leadership role(s) in the 2020-2021 academic year. Completing the interest form does not bind you to serve in a leadership role but is required for consideration as we connect individuals based on interests to available opportunities. We will follow up with all those who complete the form in the coming weeks. 

Current Opportunity Descriptions: 

  • Leadership Board members attend regular (at least two per academic year) virtual gatherings to provide leadership and support to the mission of Campus Compact for Wisconsin. A position description can be viewed here
  • Regional Community Engagement Professionals Network (RCEPN) Coordinator(s) lead regular (at least two per semester) virtual gatherings of community engagement professionals within a specific geographic sub-region of Wisconsin to provide opportunities for place-based collaboration and professional development. Coordinators are usually paired to co-lead a regional group, and all coordinators across the region meet at least once a semester to collaborate and learn from one another. RCEPN Coordinators are responsible for scheduling meetings in coordination with Campus Compact for Wisconsin, communicate with colleagues, and set agendas for gatherings based on the needs and interests of the group and coordinating any related speakers, co-facilitators, and meeting logistics.  Please note that FY21 meetings will be virtual. Some experience as a civic/community engagement professional on campus is required, and assignment to a specific geographic area is based on the location of the coordinator’s member campus. Time commitment will fluctuate depending on group needs but is anticipated to be an average of 5 hours/month during the academic year (September 2020-June 2021).  Some experience in higher education focused on civic and community engagement required.
  • Civic and Community Engagement Conference Committee Members are responsible for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the CCEI Conference, scheduled for the Fall of 2021. This event brings together CEPs from Wisconsin member campuses to network, enhance their civic and community engagement work, and share their efforts for civic and community engagement. Committee members are required to attend regular meetings (approximately once a month), participate in a sub-committee, and to complete additional tasks towards the planning and implementation of the conference outside those meetings. The committee oversees the programming, communication, finances, and operations of the conference in coordination with Compact staff and host campus liaisons. Time commitment will fluctuate depending on planning needs but is anticipated to be an average of ~5 hours/month for the length of the planning process (Fall 2020-Fall 2021).  Some experience with programming preferred.
  • Webinar or Training Facilitators lead a one-time or limited series on a particular topic in which you provide knowledge and resources on that topic to colleagues from across Wisconsin. Responsible for creating materials and presentation information, setting the agenda, providing webinar descriptions (for promotions), and working with Campus Compact for Wisconsin staff on the schedule and implementation of the session. Time commitment depends on the size and scope of session(s). Expertise in the topic required.
  • Learning Exchange Facilitators/Conveners lead a one-time gathering of colleagues from across Wisconsin campuses to explore a particular topic relevant to civic and community engagement work as an opportunity for sharing knowledge and resources. Conveners are responsible for creating materials and presentation information if needed, setting the agenda, providing a description of the gathering (for promotions), and working with Compact staff on the schedule and implementation of the gathering. Time commitment depends on the size and scope of session(s). Expertise is not required but familiarity with the topic preferred.
  • Community of Practice (CoP) Coordinators lead an ongoing group of colleagues from across Wisconsin campuses to go deep on a particular topic over the course of the year, with multiple virtual gatherings. Scope of CoPs focus will be determined in consultation with Wisconsin staff and with input from interested participants. Responsible for coordinating session schedules and agendas, leveraging expertise from within and outside the group for collaborative learning, writing the group description (for promotions), and working with Wisconsin staff on the schedule and implementation of the sessions. Time commitment depends on the size and scope of the CoP and the scheduled session(s) but is anticipated to be ~5 hours/month during the academic year (September 2020-June 2021).  Some base expertise in the topic required.
  • Other Ideas? Let us know!

Priority deadline for consideration is Sunday, Oct14 by midnight. Forms submitted after October 14 will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
Questions? Email us at wisconsin {at} compact(.)org